Cross Stitch Designs and How-to’s, Snark Included

Free Patterns

Help Yourself to Some Free Patterns

Looking for some free cross stitch patterns? You’ve come to the right place! Here you can find a growing collection of free patterns I make available for my fellow stitchers. I make all of my free cross stitch patterns on MacStitch. If you’re interested in learning more on how to make your own patterns, please see my post on that here.

To download, just click on the picture of the pattern. There’s a brief explanation next to the patterns for more information about each one or directing you to a related post. Newer patterns have both a regular PDF and a Pattern Keeper version of the free cross stitch pattern. 

As a reminder, these are completely free cross stitch patterns. You can do whatever you like with the finished project. A shout out on social media is greatly appreciated of course 🙂 

She’s got Bette Davis eyes. I’m a big fan of both the actress and the 80’s song she inspired. I made a bookmark sized pattern (6″ x 2″ on 14 count) showing off her gorgeous peepers that can send terror into the hearts of most of us mere mortals. 

If you want help turning this into a bookmark, please see my post on that here

The Pattern Keeper version of Bette Davis Eyes.

A simple Christmas tree pattern with some backstitch for shine. You can find instructions on finishing into an ornament here.

How’s my favorite branch? Do you love corporate Ryan as much as me? Here he is for your stitching pleasure. He’ll be da bell of da ball.

The Pattern Keeper version of Favorite Branch. 

A fun neon sign-inspired pattern with the kanji for Tokyo (東京). 

The Pattern Keeper version of Neon Tokyo.

A helpful sidekick to one of my favorite games of all time. This fairy is composed of 6 shades of blue, and yes, that is the original font I tracked down! There is backstitching around the wings to help them pop.

The Pattern Keeper version of Hey Listen! Please note that as of posting this PK doesn’t support backstitch, so you will need to open the PDF in a different program to see that part of the pattern.

This pattern is for creating a pair of cross stitched earrings. You can find instructions on how to make your own here. Please note this is stitched 1 over 1 on 32 count linen. The finished size of my earrings was 2cm (about 3/4 of an inch) so keep that in mind when adjusting the size.

Part of the Historical Hamilton collection, “And Peggy” is that sister. She may have a small part in the musical but she has a big place in most fan’s hearts. 

A fun little cactus I drew, painted, scanned in, and then turned into a cross stitch pattern. Wanna see how? Click here for the YouTube video and try making a drawing into a cross stitch pattern yourself!

This lovely rose pattern is another piece I made showing how to use MacStitch or WinStitch. The image is from a creative commons picture of a rose. In the video tutorial I show how you can turn clip art (not photos) into cross stitch charts with a reasonable number of colors and adjust the size of the chart.

Despite the detail, this bad boy is only 6″ x 8.4″ (in 16 count) and has 35 colors.

The pattern that started my YouTube journey! This is from the first video I made showing how to use MacStitch. I created this pattern in order to demonstrate a few key tools like changing color, adding text, copying and pasting, and adding backstitch to your cross stitch pattern. 

Are you or someone you know a fan of Pokemon? My kids are both obsessed and when I found this adorable pixel art by Wan Yang I decided to make a pattern for it. Of course it’s a free cross stitch pattern since given the source!

It is designed to be stitched 1 over 1 on 28 count to make a keychain. If stitched like that it will be about 2″, 14 count would yield closer to a 4″ design.

Want to make a cute sashiko-based mask? I designed this back in 2020 and made a tutorial to go along with it. 

While most countries are starting to ease up on mask mandates, a mask can still come in handy for cleaning super dusty rooms.

Voting is one of those things I think everyone who lives in a Democracy should do. I have to vote by absentee ballot since I live abroad and designed my own little cross stitch pin to wear around voting times.

Since more people are voting by mail, why not stitch one up yourself? It’s a small project that works up quickly.

This is a quick Valentine’s Day related cross stitch pattern. It’s pretty easy with just hearts and the kanji 愛 (あい/ai) which means love in Japanese.

Tsukimi or moon viewing is one of my favorite “seasons” in Japan. Usually moon viewing is considered a fall tradition, especially in September. 

This little chart shows a rabbit next to a small harvest of rice on the left and an offering of mochi rice cakes on the right. Rabbits traditionally live on the moon making rice cakes in Japan so rabbits feature prominently at this time too.

Another pandemic-themed piece. This one is to remind us that isolating can save lives. There’s a small NSFW detail in backstitch at the bottom of the house which you can include or not 😉 

Baby Aloe free cross stitch patterntadalafil 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 600w, 100w" nitro-lazy-srcset=" 1074w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 600w, 100w" nitro-lazy-src="" class="attachment-large size-large nitro-lazy" decoding="async" nitro-lazy-empty id="MTA4ODoxNjEw-1" src="data:image/svg+xml;nitro-empty-id=MTA4ODoxNjEw-1;base64,PHN2ZyB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgNzk5IDc5NSIgd2lkdGg9Ijc5OSIgaGVpZ2h0PSI3OTUiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI+PC9zdmc+"/>

This is the very first cross stitch pattern I designed to share with others. It is a hot mess, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will leave it up here in case anyone is desperate for an aloe plant to stitch. 


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